The European Nomadic Biennial


22.07 → 30.10.2022

Manifesta, the European Nomadic Biennial, comes to Prishtina, Kosovo with a 100-day programme of art, performances, events and workshops with the goal of empowering citizens to reclaim public space.


What is Manifesta


Manifesta, the European Nomadic Biennial, changes location every two years. Founded in the early 1990s, Manifesta rethinks the relation between culture and civic society, investigating and instigating positive social change through contemporary culture in response to, and in close dialogue with, the social sphere of the Host City and its communities. Manifesta has consistently chosen unexpected host locations that reflect Europe’s ever-changing DNA to shed light on a world defined by changing ethical and aesthetic imperatives. Manifesta, as a recurring event, has transformed itself into a multilayered and inclusive instrument of civic engagement projects.

In 2022, Manifesta 14 Prishtina will take place in Prishtina, Kosovo. Manifesta 14 aims to support the citizens of Kosovo in their ambition to reclaim public space and to rewrite the future of their capital as an open-minded metropolis in the Balkans and in Europe through the development of a new cultural institution.

Manifesta 14 Prishtina is open from the 22nd of July until the 30th of October 2022




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